
What is the My ChurchJobs page?

My ChurchJobs is the central place where you can manage your job listing or resumes. From editing to deleting your listings, adding new listings, searching the database, receiving email alerts and other tasks can be done from this page. ....

How do I edit my resume or job listing?

To edit your resume or job listing, smply login to My ChurchJobs and select the Settings link (or wheel icon) next to your listed resume or job under the My Resumes tab. On the next page, look for the Edit link: You can change nearly every aspect of your listing including the categ....

How do I delete or close my job listing or resume?

First go to your My ChurchJobs page, then click the "Settings" link next to your listed job listing or resume under the "My Job Listings" or "My Resumes" tab. Example: Then click the "Close Job Listing" link on the Settings Panel. (To Edit your listing instead choose "Edit this Listing".) ....

What is an email alert?

Email alerts are instant notifications of posted jobs. Let's say you're interested in a Senior Pastor position. When you signup for an email alert simply choose the category for Senior Pastor. The next time a church posts a job opening in that category, you will receive an email notification. ....

How do I delete an email alert?

To delete your email alerts simply login to your My ChurchJobs page and click the "delete" link next to your email alert under the "My Alerts" tab. Example: ....

How do I extend my listing?

To extend your listing past the original time you signed up for, simply login to your My ChurchJobs page and click your listing under the "My Job Listings" tab. Then, click the "updrade or extend this listing" link on the next page. You'll have to option of either upgrading or extending your listi....

How do I upgrade to a premium listing?

To upgrade your listing, simply login to your My ChurchJobs page and click your listing under the "My Job Listings" tab. Then, click the "updrade or extend this listing" link on the next page. You'll have to option of either upgrading or extending your listing. ....

Can I suspend my listing?

Users who purchase Gold Star listings can temporarily suspend their listing (within the time frame of the purchased listing). This means that the listing will remain in our database, but will not be searchable on the site. This is useful for Churches if you are receiving too many resumes but want ....

How do I search for jobs?

Simply use one of the search boxes on the site. Enter in a keyword, or just leave the field blank and choose a state to search. Your search will turn up all jobs from that state. You can also use the advanced search which will enable you to enter more criteria to search with.....

I forgot my username and password / I can't login

If you forgot your login info, use the "Forgot Your Password" tool to retrieve your information. NOTE: If the website rejects your login info, it means you are using the wrong login info. There is no scenario where the correct login credentials get rejected. 100% of the people who write us and ....

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