Warehouse Church - Job Openings

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Our congregation is seeking to fill the position of Lead Pastor with someone who is a Bible-centered teacher. With the support of our consistory, The Lead Pastor will connect our congregation with the Word and help foster relationships between a congregation that is spread between many surrounding communities. Greenleafton Reformed Church's search commi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


10-10-2022    Full Time

Looking for an individual called of God and passionate about working with youth/young adults. The individual will lead all aspects of these ministries. This is an associate pastor position and the individual will assist the lead pastor in ministering to the entire congregation. (Preaching, Teaching, Hospital Visits, Events, etc.) We are a multicultural ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

08-25-2023    Full Time

Warehouse Kids Ministry Director Are you the passionate about seeing kids discover God, His Story, and their place in it in Eastern Kentucky? THIS IS US: We're a young, growing, Bible-based community in Eastern Kentucky with a passion for seeing ordinary people transformed into fearless followers of Jesus. We want to meet people where they a....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-06-2022    Part Time

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