Saint Mark United Methodist Church - Job Openings

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Music is a God-given gift that enhances our worship of the Lord and appreciation for the good things He has given us. We are entering an exciting era at Austin Square, and our search for a new music director will help revitalize our music program and worship experience.We are looking for someone with a heart for serving the Lord and His people. A pers....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-29-2023    Part Time

Waypoint Church, located in Missoula, MT is seeking a full time pastor of student ministries to design, coordinate and oversee a comprehensive youth ministry program focused on building Christian discipleship. Areas of focus include group building, worship, discipleship, mission, and outreach. This position will also partner with the local Youth for Chr....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


04-14-2022    Full Time

Saint Mark United Methodist Church of Northport, Alabama is seeking a qualified candidate to serve in the position of Pastor to Students and Families. This position will function within the larger vision of the church and will serve students 6th grade through college. Salary will depend upon education and experience.....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

United Methodist

05-04-2022    Full Time

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