First Presbyterian Church of Golden - Job Openings

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Desert Winds Community Church exists to reach the unchurched people of the Antelope Valley and the unreached people of the world and help them become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.We are looking for a Director of Student Ministries to minister to junior high/high school students in our church and to reach them in our community.Qualified candid....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


09-15-2022    Part Time

Job Description1. AdministrationA. Serve moderator with the Trustee Chairman of The Church.B. Serve as Ex-officio member of all committeesC. Coordinate the work of the Trustees and the work of the Finance Committee with the respective Chairman.2. Teaching and Preaching MinistriesA. Prepare Sermons and preach at the regular worship periods.B. Arrange for....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


09-20-2023    Full Time

First Presbyterian Church of Golden is a welcoming family of faith active in the Golden community and beyond. We are looking for the right person to provide vision and leadership in the ministry of spiritual formation for adults, youth and children. Key Responsibilities:Develop, plan and coordinate opportunities for spiritual formationRecruit and train ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

02-09-2022    Part Time

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