St. Johns Lutheran Church of Blenheim - Job Openings

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Buffat Heights Baptist Church is seeking a full-time minster to lead our preschool and children’s ministries. The mission is to create a vibrant and engaging environment for children from infancy to 5th grade. This person will be responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive children’s ministry program, that aligns with the church’s mission ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

06-02-2023    Full Time

Position DescriptionThe primary functions of the NexGen Pastor are threefold: 1.) Ministry Shepherd responsible for training Victory Church kids and students to find and follow Christ Jesus through authentic relationships, Biblical education, and family discipleship. 2.) Ministry Leader responsible for loving, equipping, and celebrating the ama....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


11-15-2022    Full Time

About the Position:We are searching for a Contemporary Worship Leader, who will be excited to set a vision for the musical aspirations and sound arrangements of our church's collaborative contemporary worship setting. The individual for this role must possess a true belief in the Holy Trinity and Apostle's Creed, and be willing to gain an understanding ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-15-2022    Part Time

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