Georgetown Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Heaton Christian Church is seeking a Senior Pastor to serve all pastoral duties. The Senior Pastor will be appointed for an indefinite period of time by the church Elders, with confirmation by the congregation. Heaton Christian Church is a small and committed congregation of approximately 75 weekly attendees who are ready to support a new Senior Pasto....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

02-20-2022    Full Time

Title of Position: NextGen PastorSummary of Position: To provide leadership and direction over all aspects of NextGen ministry from birth to 12th grade, insuring an atmosphere of vibrant teaching and discipleship.Principle Job Responsibilities:Attend:Attend weekly meetings with the Associate PastorAttend all other required meetings, including:Student Mi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


05-04-2023    Full Time

Develop and implement programs for young children, middle and high school youth.Develop and implement community and congregational mission work/outreach with middle school and high school youth.Foster relationships with Youth and Children through activities outside the church.Provide counseling for Youth and/or families when neededForm and organize a Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

08-01-2023    Full Time

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