John Knox Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Job Description:Tualatin Hills Christian Church, located in Tualatin, Oregon, is seeking a Senior Pastor for its congregation to advocate and communicate God's vision of the church and outreach programs. This person will be the primary leader, teacher, and visionary and will have responsibility for the spiritual welfare, growth, and life of the church.T....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

09-25-2022    Full Time

Principle Functions Responsible to the church for leading, developing, promoting, and implementing all music ministries of the church. Responsible to the church for directing the daily administrative responsibilities including giving leadership and direction to the music staff Qualifications Must be a practicing Christian who has accepted Jesus Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


10-24-2023    Part Time

Director of Family Life John Knox Presbyterian Church desires to be a loving place to raise a family to know and love Jesus Christ. The spiritual formation of children, youth, and their parents is vital to our fulfilling our vision statement. John Knox Presbyterian Church: JKPC is a medium sized, theologically reformed, evangelical gospel centered chur....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

07-27-2022    Full Time

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