Church of Christ Uniting - Job Openings

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Full-time worship pastor to lead contemporary worship service for growing congregation in northwest Tennessee. Job Description:Create a worship environment in which people are free and safe to connect with God in a corporate environment while providing resources and inspiration as they connect with God privately throughout the week.Responsibilities:--Be....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

02-01-2023    Full Time

Job Description:Fellowship of Montgomery, located in Montgomery, TX, is seeking a full-time Youth Pastor.The ideal person for this position will be one who is passionate to see teenagers come to know God, connect to God and others, and this person will lead teenagers to grow in their faith as they grow into adults. The duties are as follows:Primary Resp....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


12-20-2022    Full Time

The Church of Christ Uniting is a merged Presbyterian/Methodist Church (merged in 1972) is looking for a Pastor to replace our recently reassigned Methodist Pastor. In addition to the stated salary above, the Church provides a manse/parsonage, which is located two blocks from the Church. The house is a three bedroom ranch style house. The Church is lo....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

09-11-2023    Full Time

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