Lewiston Community Church - Job Openings

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. JOB DESCRIPTION:  First Assembly of God Port Jervis is seeking a full-time Worship Pastor. This position will be full-time (40+ hours per week), with a salary and benefits package included. Looking to hire the person soon with the official start date being in July of 2023. We encourage you to apply! We are a multicultural, caring, and loving chu....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

12-30-2022    Full Time

This position is responsible to serve alongside the NXTGEN Director & Ministry Leader of High School Ministry to help develop High School Student Ministries in such a way that is both biblical and consistent with the Water of Life philosophy of ministry. The specific role of this Associate Pastor is to assist in matters of student pastoral counselin....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


09-02-2022    Full Time

The Lead Pastor will lead the Elders and Church Board, uphold the bylaws, and embody the mission of the Lewiston Community Church: "Pursuing Christlikeness." Requirements: -Strong organizational skills to manage rural ministry needs. -Significant emotional and spiritual maturity and wisdom to oversee the growth of a volunteer staff. -Exceptional l....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


02-19-2022    Full Time

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