Brook Hollow Baptist Church - Job Openings

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Position Summary:Hope City Church in Brooklyn, New York, is seeking an innovative, passionate and skilled individual to guide, plan and facilitate a comprehensive, yet creative, Christian education ministry for children, tweens and youth ages 5-17. Hope City places a special emphasis on disciplining the younger generation in order to lay the foundatio....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


04-29-2022    Full Time

The Park Avenue Contemporary Worship Leader will work with the Senior Pastor and others to fulfill the vision and culture of contemporary worship at Park Avenue Church. The Worship Leader will be expected to provide leadership and direction of the contemporary worship service and other special events. Additionally, he or she will work to ensure a cohes....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


12-04-2023    Full Time

The Next Generation Minister of Brook Hollow Baptist Church is responsible for developing, leading, and implementing all aspects of the ministry to youth, college students, and young adults with the goal of helping the next generation to know God through a personal relationship with Christ, to grow in their faith, and to love God and others. Primary Res....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-01-2024    Full Time

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