Peace Church - Job Openings

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Welcome to Southern Hills, a diverse, vibrant church in the heart of Tulsa where we grow together, serve together, and struggle through the messiness of life together!Our mission is to be a people who increasingly love God, love others and make disciples. We want to provide a safe place of healing grace and hope for all generations...a place where every....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

12-01-2023    Full Time

The BHBC Worship Leader is responsible for overseeing all musical aspects of the worship service, planning appropriate rehearsal of musicians, praise team/ensemble, and vocal choir. The target ministry is the BHBC congregation and the community that the church serves. Major Responsibilities:A. Coordinate Sunday morning worship services and special servi....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

10-08-2021    Part Time

Position to be filled: Lead Pastor of Peace Church A. Membership: 376 Average attendance: 83 B. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH 1. Originated in April 1883. German Evangelical Church. Later became Evangelical and Reformed, and in 1961, merged with the Congregational Church to become the United Church of Christ. In March, 1944, Peace Church voted to rem....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


07-30-2023    Full Time

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