Coosada Baptist Church - Job Openings

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Duties and Skills: Schedule volunteer musicians and audio-visual operators to provide leadership and support for congregational singing Schedule and prepare singers, instrumentalists, and audio-visual operators for a regular schedule of special music Plan weekly worship services in blended, contemporary, or traditional styles, consistent with the reform....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Presbyterian - PCA

01-06-2023    Part Time

POSITION OBJECTIVE: Create and maintain an overall structure for sustainable ministry toyouth from 6th grade through 12th grade that seeks to accomplish the church's vision of knowing Christ, following Christ, serving Christ, and integrating them into the church family at large.PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Work with the Our Children, Our Famil....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

10-25-2023    Part Time

The Minister to Students is a member of the ministry staff of the church and is selected by the Senior Pastor in conjunction with the Personnel Committee and approved by the church for an unspecified period of service. The principal function of the Minister to Students is to develop a comprehensive ministry for grades 7 through 12.GENERAL EXPECTATIONS ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-24-2023    Full Time

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