High Sierra Fellowship - Job Openings

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Tawas Methodist Church is seeking to hire a full-time senior pastor with a Wesleyan background that will lead our congregation of about 200 members in proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, establishing and maintaining religious worship, educating believers in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture, and maintaining mission....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


02-09-2024    Full Time

MINISTRY ASSISTANT FOR CONNECTION: Retirement community church seeks pastoral assistant to engage the congregation in meaningful ministry; and to plan and implement a welcome process that will connect, track, engage, and assimilate visitors into the church. Sundays, Mondays, and some Saturdays are required. Other hours somewhat flexible to support ac....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-08-2024    Full Time

Youth Director Job DescriptionPosition DescriptionThe High Sierra Fellowship (HSF) Youth Director proactively manages the youth (pre-18) ministry with emphasis on developing and overseeing the Middle School and High School students. The HSF Youth Director also works closely with parents, adult leaders/staff, volunteers, HSF boards(s), and student leader....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:
Not Specified


10-06-2023    Full Time

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