Northminster Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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The Minister to Students is a member of the ministry staff of the church and is selected by the Senior Pastor in conjunction with the Personnel Committee and approved by the church for an unspecified period of service. The principal function of the Minister to Students is to develop a comprehensive ministry for grades 7 through 12.GENERAL EXPECTATIONS ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-24-2023    Full Time

The Communications Director leads the creative communicationsprocess, including brand strategy, marketing, film, social media, content management,communication environments, and overall brand experience. They are committed to developingan empowered and innovative creative culture by cultivating leaders who focus on the church'smission and vision.Employe....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

01-13-2022    Full Time

Northminster Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana is seeking a friendly, organized, detail-oriented applicant for the newly created position of Administrative Assistant. Northminster is a well-established and vibrant church located in the Broad Ripple area of Indianapolis. The person that serves in this position will conduct daily business activ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:
Not Specified

10-29-2021    Part Time

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