First United Methodist Church of Sarasota - Job Openings

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Job Summary: Reporting directly to the Lead Minister, the Worship Minister is a full time, exempt, salaried, ministry staff position who provides leadership to the worship and production teams. This role leads and facilitates all worship services and special programs. The Worship Minister will coordinate all service details in alignment with the them....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Christian Church

03-26-2024    Full Time

Title: Diocesan Director of Catechesis and Faith FormationReports to: Superintendent of Catholic EducationLocation: Diocese of Venice in FloridaVenice FL OverviewThe Director of Catechesis and Faith Formation is responsible for the management, supervision and administration of the Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation to advance the mission of Catho....more


Worship Style:


06-20-2023    Full Time

Youth Director First United Methodist Church of Sarasota is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ to serve as Youth Director who will connect students (6th- 12th grade) to the life and mission of the Church, help them grow spiritually, and teach them the Christian faith. This is a part-time position (20 hours). The....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

12-11-2023    Part Time

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