First Congregational UCC of Rapid City SD - Job Openings

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Position: WORSHIP, CARE, PROGRAM PASTOR (Bi-Vocational) At this juncture, and for the near-term future, we are in need of a part-time or bi-vocational Pastor -- with office hours, by appointment. Cortland Christian Church, of Cortland Ohio is an independent, non-denominational, autonomous, congregational-governed body, founded ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-08-2024    Other

North Olmsted Evangelical Friends Church is searching for a Children's Discipleship Director. The CDD will be responsible for the direction, development, and implementation of programs that will enable children (toddlers through grade 5) and their families to walk in a deeper relationship with Jesus and each other. A full job description can be fou....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

04-12-2024    Part Time

First Congregational UCC of Rapid City, SD seeks a new full-time pastor. The first church in Rapid City, we are a congregation built on tradition, yet we look forward to new ideas and avenues of growth. We are a church of compassionate volunteers and doers; friends held together with the desire to serve. We seek an effective teacher/preacher, a compas....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified


07-10-2022    Full Time

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