Christ Our Redeemer community church - Job Openings

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Looking for a person who aspires to be a worship leader and needs an environment that would allow him or her to develop and get more experience while actually doing the job. We are a small church but have a unique culture and very strong church family. Job would include leading worship, set organization, rehearsals and Sunday worship. We are an elder le....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-22-2023    Part Time

Responsibilities A. Purpose and Vision Serve God and the vision of Elk Horn Baptist Church as given to the Lead Pastor Serve as the primary Worship Leader/Pastor for Elk Horn Baptist Church Make every effort to bring the vision of EHBC to life. Serve side-by-side with the Pastors/ Deacon/Media Director and EHBC Leadership Be willing to lead; go above a....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

07-18-2023    Part Time

DIRECTOR of MUSIC MINISTRIESOVERVIEWThe Director of Music Ministry leads the music ministry at Christ Our Redeemer. The   Director is the primary proponent and vision-bearer of our music ministry in support of the  vision and ministries of the Church as a whole. This is a part-time position.  KEY RELATIONSHIPS & SCOPE  The Director reports to the Le....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


09-09-2021    Part Time

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