New Beginnings Christian Fellowship - Job Openings

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Primary Function: To provide leadership and shepherding oversight of the ministry of the church, with emphasis upon preaching and teaching, casting of the vision in partnership with the elders and motivating the body to accomplish the church's goal, that our world might be eternally impacted by helping people become fully devoted disciples of Jesus C....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

12-18-2021    Full Time

Job Description for the Pastor to StudentsPosition Title: Pastor to StudentsEvaluated by: Senior PastorReporting to this position: All ministry leaders and volunteers for studentsThe Pastor to Students will be a man called of God and set apart to the gospel ministry, evangelical in theology, in accordance with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000 Edit....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

01-25-2024    Full Time

New Beginnings Fellowship of Minneapolis, Kansas is seeking to fill the position of pastor/church planter. After a tornado struck the church in 2022 and the former pastor leaving later that year, the church has declined in attendance. However, the building has been completely restored and the faith and vision of the congregation is stronger than ever. A....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


02-28-2024    Part Time

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