Mountain View Community Church - Job Openings

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Waypoint Church, located in Missoula, MT is seeking a full time pastor of student ministries to design, coordinate and oversee a comprehensive youth ministry program focused on building Christian discipleship. Areas of focus include group building, worship, discipleship, mission, and outreach. This position will also partner with the local Youth for Chr....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


04-14-2022    Full Time

Summary: Grace Community Church is seeking a man of God who will work alongside the senior pastor in shepherding God's people. The Associate Pastor of Worship and Youth is responsible for developing and leading 1) the worship ministry, 2) the youth/young adult ministry, and 3) assisting with general pastoral duties. Primary Responsibilities: Pasto....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


05-10-2023    Full Time

Youth Pastor   Full Time (Salary based on experience, education, etc.)   Position Overview: The primary role of the Youth Pastor is to introduce young people to Christ, disciple them in spiritual growth, and equip them to serve Christ. The Youth Pastor also equips parents/guardians to disciple their children. The Youth Pastor is responsible for p....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


09-07-2023    Full Time

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