Grace Life Baptist Church - Job Openings

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First Pres is seeking a talented, enthusiastic Children's Ministry Associate Director (CMAD). The CMAD is responsible for assisting the Children's Ministry Director (CMD) in leading and managing the Children's Ministry at First Pres. He or she must have a growing faith, a heart for children, and have experience with recruiting and retaining volunteers.....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

10-05-2021    Part Time

Job Description1. AdministrationA. Serve moderator with the Trustee Chairman of The Church.B. Serve as Ex-officio member of all committeesC. Coordinate the work of the Trustees and the work of the Finance Committee with the respective Chairman.2. Teaching and Preaching MinistriesA. Prepare Sermons and preach at the regular worship periods.B. Arrange for....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


09-20-2023    Full Time

Grace Life Baptist Church is searching for a Christian individual to serve as our Student Minister. Experience in student ministry is preferred. The Student Minister will work closely and collaborate with other ministerial and pastoral staff. This is a full time position with competitive salary and excellent benefits. Please send resumes to jobs@yourgra....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

08-31-2021    Full Time

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