CornerstoneSF - Job Openings

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- Lead our church family in meaningful worship. - Work with current worship team as their leader. - Recruit, train and encourage new team members. - Work closely as a team member with the elders and staff to accomplish our mission at Gateway. - Use other gifts that God has given you to fill in gaps in our ministries. - Work creatively wit....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-31-2022    Full Time

We are prayerfully in search of a part-time Student Pastor to oversee the ministry of our students, grades 6-12. We have a small, but faithful group of teenagers that are very involved in small groups, worship, and volunteering in different areas of ministry within the church. The Student Pastor will oversee all areas of the ministry, coordinate teacher....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

03-16-2023    Part Time

The Associate Pastor succeeds when the staff and church are thriving. This role is one of a generalized pastor, making an impact involving many areas of the church. The Associate Pastor leads and facilitates growth in the community in various facets, relying on both a heart for people as well as administrative skills. In keeping cohesion between staff, ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


06-25-2024    Full Time

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