Central Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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First Baptist Church of Madisonville is searching for a full-time pastor who is called to shepherd a congregation of all ages. We are a rural, mission-oriented ministry, located in Central Western KY. We are founded on biblical truth, focused on family values, and passionate about extending Christ's grace to all. Candidates should be committed to the au....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

03-02-2024    Full Time

Chesapeake Church in Huntingtown, Maryland, is seeking a Senior Pastor to lead us in our mission to reach unchurched people and nurture them into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Our church adheres to Reformed Theology and Westminster Confession of Faith. We are looking for a passionate and experienced leader who can inspire spiritual growth, fo....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-19-2024    Full Time

We are seeking a Director of Youth and Adult Discipleship. The Director will carry out a ministry of teaching, leadership, and administration for the purpose of developing new and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ, specifically middle and high school youth, and adults. We anticipate at first that job responsibilities will be divided 80% youth/20% adults.....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

03-21-2024    Full Time

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