Faith Community Church - Job Openings

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OVERVIEW OF POSITION: The Lead Pastor is the spiritual leader and overseer of Judson Church. As such, he is to lead the congregation to accomplish our mission of making disciples in Joliet, Illinois. The Lead Pastor is to give biblical guidance, instruction, and encouragement so that the church can fulfill its purpose. At all times he has the responsibi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-13-2021    Full Time

YOUTH MINISTER JOB DESCRIPTION 1. The Youth Minister's (YM) primary goals are to make disciples of the teens in Louisville Christian Church, and to reach out to area teens in evangelistic effort. He must be involved in ongoing personal and professional growth in order to be an effective spiritual leader to our teens. 2. The YM is under the direction ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Christian Church

06-02-2024    Full Time

We are looking for someone with strong pulpit skills, who is able to communicate the Bible clearly and practically. This person would regularly communicate the overall vision of Faith Community Church and lead the church in accomplishing it. The primary tasks would be preaching Sunday morning (70-75% of the time); oversight of staff; pastoral care and v....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


04-04-2023    Full Time

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