12 Stones Fellowship - Job Openings

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Full-time worship pastor to lead contemporary worship service for growing congregation in northwest Tennessee. Job Description:Create a worship environment in which people are free and safe to connect with God in a corporate environment while providing resources and inspiration as they connect with God privately throughout the week.Responsibilities:--Be....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

02-01-2023    Full Time

CRESWELL CHURCH OF CHRIST "Reaching the hearts of children and families with the love and hope of Jesus Christ"380 Kings RowCreswell, OR 97426www.CreswellChurchofChrist.comAre you interested in helping a small community experience the love of Jesus Christ one family at a time? Are you more comfortable working outside the church building, serv....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-02-2023    Full Time

Looking for a person who aspires to be a worship leader and needs an environment that would allow him or her to develop and get more experience while actually doing the job. We are a small church but have a unique culture and very strong church family. Job would include leading worship, set organization, rehearsals and Sunday worship. We are an elder le....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-22-2023    Part Time

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