Lakes Area Vineyard Church - Job Openings

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Davisville Church is seeking a Children's Director to influence children and families to fully follow Jesus. We have a strong history of successful and meaningful ministry in our area. The director will become part of a fun, loving, and committed team of employees that strive to make disciples in our community. The job requires a humble heart, teachable....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


02-10-2022    Full Time

The First Baptist Church of Mt. Holly, located in Eastampton, New Jersey is prayerfully seeking a Senior Pastor. The church, which stands on the Word of God, is located in a suburban setting on 12.5 acres. We are blessed to serve in a diverse, multi-cultural and intergenerational community that includes neighboring small towns and cities, local farms ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

11-13-2023    Full Time

Lakes Area Vineyard Church Experience God, Grow in Love & Give it Away POSITION: Family & Discipleship Pastor HOURS: Exempt, Full-time, Salary REPORTS TO: Troy Easton JOB FUNCTION: Functions as the overall leader of Connect Groups (Small Groups, Life Groups and Classes) Provides oversight and accountability for the Vineyard Kids....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


07-05-2022    Full Time

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