Boys Farm - Job Openings

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CrossWay Church is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor. He will champion the family equipping ministry: guiding parents to shepherd their children well. He will also be the overall leader of our ministries to children and youth providing coordination and support for the volunteers ministering to our children and youth. CrossWay Church welcomes any m....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Evangelical Free

04-28-2024    Full Time

Conduct religious worship and deliver sermons. Teach Bible to church members. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to church members. Administer religious rites and conduct special ceremonies. The Immanuel Korean Church of Louisville, Inc. 9615 Blue Lick Rd., Louisville, KY 40229.....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


04-13-2022    Full Time

Have you ever wanted to work in home missions, and do you have a heart for children? Boys Farm is a Christ-centered organization that provides a nurturing Christian home for boys in a residential setting. We are hiring married couples to live full time with 5-8 boys in a home and to make a transformative impact in their lives. As a House Parent, you ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-22-2022    Full Time

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