First Baptist Church of Plains KS - Job Openings

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JOB FUNCTION: Oversee the discipleship pathway at LAVC. Create, manage, and oversee spiritual growth opportunities in strategically smaller environments. In addition, this role will administrate local outreach opportunities and men’s events. RESPONSIBILITIES Discipleship Pathway -Create & execute a clear, concise, and impactful discipleship pathwa....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


01-10-2024    Full Time

The Pastor of Worship Arts is a full-time salaried position at Sunnyslope Christian Center tasked with planning, preparing for, and leading a multiple weekly contemporary worship services that, promotes authentic worship, and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ.Purpose:The Pastor of Worship Arts is responsible for the worship ministry at Sunnyslope ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

06-29-2021    Full Time

We are seeking a bi-vocational or part time pastor with a paid salary working on average about 20 hours per week. We desire a pastor to prepare and deliver Bible based sermons, lead in the observance of ordinances, and help plan and co-ordinate Sunday services. We seek a pastor that will add new growth to the membership and will help enable and equip ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

01-22-2024    Part Time

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