Fellowship of Montgomery - Job Openings

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Parkside Church, a new church plant in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, is seeking a full-time Director of Worship to lead a blended Sunday worship service and while helping guide midweek spiritual formation. Salary is $40,000 annually with insurance reimbursement, paid-time off, and guaranteed yearly raises. You can learn more about us at www.parks....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

11-03-2021    Full Time

New Hope Christian Church is a rapidly growing body of believers in the growing community of Hutto, Texas located near Austin, TX. We are a church that is All about God and All about People. New Hope is a family-oriented church, and are looking for someone to work with our Pastor to develop a Discipleship Process for students from birth-12th Grade. We ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Christian Church

04-23-2024    Full Time

Job Description:Fellowship of Montgomery, located in Montgomery, TX, is seeking a full-time Youth Pastor.The ideal person for this position will be one who is passionate to see teenagers come to know God, connect to God and others, and this person will lead teenagers to grow in their faith as they grow into adults. The duties are as follows:Primary Resp....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


12-20-2022    Full Time

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