Neath Church - Job Openings

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Duties and Skills: Schedule volunteer musicians and audio-visual operators to provide leadership and support for congregational singing Schedule and prepare singers, instrumentalists, and audio-visual operators for a regular schedule of special music Plan weekly worship services in blended, contemporary, or traditional styles, consistent with the reform....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Presbyterian - PCA

01-06-2023    Part Time

Pastoring and leading a 5/6 grade night. Then also running a 6-8th grade student ministry. The youth pastors job is to love and lead the middle school students into a strong relationship with Jesus and the church. This includes Sunday morning services, mid-week connect groups during the school year, special events, and camps throughout the year.Job r....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


07-30-2022    Full Time

Regular job duties will include, but are not limited to:Shepard our multi-generational church through sermons, devotionals, and Bible studies,Assist in youth activities,Assist in reaching the lost and unchurched in our community,Training leaders of all ages within the church, Nurture and encourage spiritual growth within the congregation, Provide Biblic....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-08-2023    Full Time

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