Spring Hill United Methodist Church - Job Openings

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Relaunch a parent empowered family discipleship program - The Family Discipleship Coordinator is responsible for discipling our children and their families igniting in them a desire to know, love and follow Jesus. This role will not only create a dynamic discipleship culture across the developmental stages it will equip parents and family discipleship t....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-08-2023    Part Time

The Pastor of Families has a growing relationship with God, and is passionate about leading others in experiencing the presence of God in dynamic and creative ways. This person is skilled at team building and development, providing pastoral and strategic leadership for family ministries, including children, students, and young adults. This person will b....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


04-18-2024    Full Time

1. Worship Leader Collaborate with Worship Committee to select all worship music for services and SHUMC programs/events** Participate in the weekly planning meetings with the Pastor and the Worship Committee and other relevant planning sessions as they may arise** Provide agreed upon music during all worship services and SHUMC programs/events Spread vit....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

08-05-2021    Part Time

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