Unity Community Church - Job Openings

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We at Lakeside Baptist Church situated in Kenora Ontario in beautiful Northwestern Ontario are looking to expand our ministry team. We are looking to add another pastor to work with the ministry team. This would be primarily a teaching/preaching role. Lakeside Baptist Church is affiliated with the Baptist General Conference of Canada. If interested, mor....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

05-28-2022    Full Time

Worship & ________ Pastor Job Description Job Position Summary We are looking for a Christ-follower who will spend ~50% of their time making disciples through responsibilities relating to worship and the other ~50% striving to make disciples through other ministries at Westmark. Because we are growing congregation with lots of opportunity, this sec....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Evangelical Free

02-02-2022    Full Time

Worship PastorUnity Community ChurchPlum, PASUMMARYUnity Community Church is a Bible-believing, evangelical, and community-focused church that resides within the Presbyterian denomination. We are located in Plum, Pennsylvania (a borough in the Eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh). We believe that God has created each person with a purpose, and we want to lea....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


10-05-2021    Full Time

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