Pleasant Hope Baptist Church - Job Openings

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1. Provide vision and direction of the congregation in accordance with Senior Pastor's vision and direction of the whole church. 2. Provide shepherding and equipping for congregational leaders; Lead congregational leaders in developing and executing strategic action-plans to inspire and mobilize the whole congregation, which presently has 80 peop....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

09-29-2022    Full Time

CrossWay Church is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor. He will champion the family equipping ministry: guiding parents to shepherd their children well. He will also be the overall leader of our ministries to children and youth providing coordination and support for the volunteers ministering to our children and youth. CrossWay Church welcomes any m....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Evangelical Free

04-28-2024    Full Time

Pleasant Hope Baptist Church is prayerfully searching for a new Pastor. We are a historically African American church, whose congregation is multigenerational and emerging multiracial. We are located in the northeast corridor of Baltimore City in Govans. We are looking for an innovative leader who shares a commitment to be open and inclusive to bringing....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

09-02-2022    Full Time

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