City On A Hill - Job Openings

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Davisville Church is seeking a Children's Director to influence children and families to fully follow Jesus. We have a strong history of successful and meaningful ministry in our area. The director will become part of a fun, loving, and committed team of employees that strive to make disciples in our community. The job requires a humble heart, teachable....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


02-10-2022    Full Time

Develop and implement programs for young children, middle and high school youth.Develop and implement community and congregational mission work/outreach with middle school and high school youth.Foster relationships with Youth and Children through activities outside the church.Provide counseling for Youth and/or families when neededForm and organize a Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

08-01-2023    Full Time

City On A Hill is a 4-year-old life giving, Christ-exalting church in Madison WI. This Worship Pastor role will oversee all aspects of Sunday morning and work in concert with the Lead Pastor to build a worship ministry that models excellence and authenticity. To Apply: THIS ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


10-06-2021    Full Time

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