Charter Oak Church - Job Openings

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The First Baptist Church of Mt. Holly, located in Eastampton, New Jersey is prayerfully seeking a Senior Pastor. The church, which stands on the Word of God, is located in a suburban setting on 12.5 acres. We are blessed to serve in a diverse, multi-cultural and intergenerational community that includes neighboring small towns and cities, local farms ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

11-13-2023    Full Time

Are you passionate about leading people into the presence of God through Worship? Do you also have a passion to impact the "Forgotten Generation" (ages 18-35) for Jesus Christ? Well, First Church of the Open Bible in Freeport, IL may be where God is calling you. A full-time position is available now. Experience leading worship in a Pentecostal church an....more


Worship Style:


03-22-2022    Full Time

The Director of Kids Ministry is responsible for: 1. Modeling Biblical Priorities Upholding Biblical priorities and the staff core values. The Director of Kids Ministry should represent a growing personal relationship with Jesus. The Director of Kids Ministry models a strong relationship with his or her spouse (if married) and children (if applicable). ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


04-24-2024    Full Time

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