First Presbyterian Church of Golden - Job Openings

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The Director of Children Ministry will serve as a spiritual leader and shepherd and shall strive to integrate children and early teen ministry into the overall total church life. The Director will work as a part of the pastoral staff to coordinate the children ministry under the direction of the Pastor-in-Charge or his designate.General Responsibilities....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-03-2023    Full Time

We are seeking a senior pastor who will not only help us minister to our current congregation, but who will also foster and encourage continued growth. The church has been growing both spiritually and numerically. Our church is in a rural farming community and we minister to families from several smaller communities. We are a fundamental, independe....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Bible Church

10-01-2023    Full Time

First Presbyterian Church of Golden is a welcoming family of faith active in the Golden community and beyond. We are looking for the right person to provide vision and leadership in the ministry of spiritual formation for adults, youth and children. Key Responsibilities:Develop, plan and coordinate opportunities for spiritual formationRecruit and train ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

02-09-2022    Part Time

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