Oak Grove Church - Job Openings

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Christ Community Church is seeking a Senior Pastor that honors God and serves Christ and his church by personal example, the ministry of the Word, and leadership of the church, its staff, and its subsidiary organizations. You can find the job description and qualifications at: https://ccczion.org/about-us/candidates....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


01-10-2024    Full Time

Director of Children and Student Ministries Calvary Baptist Church, Woodbridge, VA, United States Office: 703.670.7217 * Web: www.cbc-woodbridge.org * Email: office@cbc-woodbridge.org Job Description: The responsibilities of the Director of Student Ministry will oversee all aspects and administration of ministry programs, nursery through teen....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

10-19-2022    Full Time

PURPOSE: The youth pastor is responsible for the ministries, programs and activities related to youth ministry that includes both Junior and Senior High groups. This role will also be responsible to work with the Lead Pastor on youth discipleship.COMPETENCIES & EXPECTATIONS: A disciple committed to humbly living under the authority of Christ. Demons....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

01-24-2022    Full Time

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