Tree of Life Church - Job Openings

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The First Evangelical Free Church (a congregation of ~125) has been serving Las Cruces, NM and the surrounding communities for over 50 years while enjoying a culturally diverse membership and robust worship experience that incorporates a wide variety of musical styles and worship formats. In order to continue that worship tradition, we are seeking a ful....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Evangelical Free

03-12-2024    Full Time

Job Description: The Worship and Arts Leader will provide guidance to all aspects of the music and arts ministry of the church in order to develop creative, visual, seamless and contemporary worship, with traditional elements, that brings the congregation into the presence of God. Qualifications of a Worship & Arts Leader: • Mature walk with God th....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


02-13-2023    Full Time

Expectation From Worship Leader1. Meet the biblical qualifications to serve2. Spiritually mature in doctrine and practice 3. Called and gifted to serve the Body of Christ4. Available to connect relationally to the people5. Playing instruments and reading music is desired6. Experience in leading worship is desired7. Knowing technology is desired....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-18-2024    Part Time

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