Killearn UMC - Job Openings

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Worship Leader at Midland Park Christian Reformed Church MPCRC is seeking a part-time Worship Team Leader to join its staff for 10 hours a week. Collaborate with pastor and worship coordinator to select congregational songs and any "special" music (i.e., prelude, offering, communion, etc.) for two Sundays per month that the ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-27-2023    Part Time

General Job Description1. Description: The Senior Pastor will participate in the pastoral ministry to advance the Kingdom of God at FBC according to this job description. This pastor will expand and deepen the FBCT Mission of "Help any willing person reach his/her fullest potential to become radically Christ-like by accepting, loving, and training him....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

Baptist - Other

10-09-2023    Full Time

Applications are now being accepted for our full-time Director of Contemporary Worship. We are committed to finding a passionate Christian leader who will work in strong partnerships with our church staff, worship & arts team, volunteers, and congregation. We are seeking a worship leader who is committed to a Wesleyan expression of faith and desires....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

United Methodist

10-07-2022    Full Time

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