Texas Academy 4 - Job Openings

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The Assistant Pastor-Youth Emphasis at Watsontown Alliance Church (WAC) is called to pastoral ministry specifically related to youth but will include ministry to the local church body as a whole. The age range of the youth ministry at WAC targets 6th-12th grade students. While primary responsibilities will be related to youth ministry, the Assistant P....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

08-25-2022    Full Time

West-Central Indiana Quaker (Society of Friends) Church Seeking Pastor Pastor sought for loyal congregation in small rural town in Indiana's historic Parke County. 40 hours/week full-time position, with parsonage and benefits provided, is available immediately. Candidate preferred with BA/BS degree or comparable experience and Christ-center....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


08-10-2023    Full Time

The Church Engagement Manager is responsible for recruiting new church partners to Academy 4 and working to maximize their participation and engagement in the program to the benefit of the church. The Church Engagement Manager will work closely with the program director, program managers, and the rest of the Academy 4 support team.....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-29-2022    Full Time

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