Grace Bible Church - Job Openings

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Job Overview:We are looking for a Youth Pastor to help grow our burgeoning youth program. Looking for a dedicated worker who is passionate for growing children in Christ and is ambitious for the Kingdom. Someone who is deeply concerned for upholding the truths of the Bible and is a witness to the Gospel. If this sounds like you, then please apply! Dunn'....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


03-21-2024    Full Time

Summary: Grace Community Church is seeking a man of God who will work alongside the senior pastor in shepherding God's people. The Associate Pastor of Worship and Youth is responsible for developing and leading 1) the worship ministry, 2) the youth/young adult ministry, and 3) assisting with general pastoral duties. Primary Responsibilities: Pasto....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


05-10-2023    Full Time

Pastoral Job Overview       The Senior Pastor / Lead Elder provides overall leadership in the church. Full Time with Benefits (Medical / Retirement / Resource Allowance / Housing Allowance – No parsonage) The Big Picture Grace Bible Church ( is seeking a full-time Senior Pastor / Lead Elder. Founded in 1975, Grace Bible Church i....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Bible Church

10-26-2023    Full Time

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