Norwin Christian Church - Job Openings

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Director of Family Life John Knox Presbyterian Church desires to be a loving place to raise a family to know and love Jesus Christ. The spiritual formation of children, youth, and their parents is vital to our fulfilling our vision statement. John Knox Presbyterian Church: JKPC is a medium sized, theologically reformed, evangelical gospel centered chur....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

07-27-2022    Full Time

OBJECTIVE Lifepointe Church is a warm and welcoming community of believers from many backgrounds and walks of life. Lifepointe Church has two full-time and one part-time pastors. Lifepointe Church is currently seeking a Senior/Lead Pastor to assume the role of our retiring Senior Pastor. The new candidate should hold like Biblical beliefs, values and p....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


06-15-2024    Full Time

Norwin Christian Church Worship Minister Job DescriptionDenomination: Non-denominationalWeekly in-person attendance: 500Location: North Huntingdon (Greater Pittsburgh area), PARole: Worship MinisterMeet Norwin Christian Church:We believe the Gospel revealed in the person of Jesus Christ and preserved in the Bible is the most important message for mankin....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Christian Church

05-15-2024    Full Time

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