The Church Triumphant - Job Openings

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We are seeking a Director of Children's and Youth Ministry at Good Shepherd UMC in Waldorf, MD The position is 30 hours a week to include Sundays. Duties include engaging and equipping volunteers to lead in the education and discipleship of our children and youth. Leading youth in a mission mindset is also central to this position. The ideal candidate ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

09-26-2022    Part Time

Job Description1. AdministrationA. Serve moderator with the Trustee Chairman of The Church.B. Serve as Ex-officio member of all committeesC. Coordinate the work of the Trustees and the work of the Finance Committee with the respective Chairman.2. Teaching and Preaching MinistriesA. Prepare Sermons and preach at the regular worship periods.B. Arrange for....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


09-20-2023    Full Time

The Church Triumphant is a nondenominatinal Charismatic family worship center nestled along the north brank of the Potomac River opposite Cumberland, MD, a town with a suburban feel. TCT was founded in 1987. Current membership of about 75-90. Our mission is to worship with passion and serve with excellence, to save sinners, disciple believers, and eq....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-11-2023    Full Time

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