Thomson First Methodist Church - Job Openings

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We are seeking a Director of Youth and Adult Discipleship. The Director will carry out a ministry of teaching, leadership, and administration for the purpose of developing new and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ, specifically middle and high school youth, and adults. We anticipate at first that job responsibilities will be divided 80% youth/20% adults.....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

03-21-2024    Full Time

FULFILLED IN LIFE AND MINISTRY! At Family Life Fellowship we believe praise is the ultimate experience and worship is the ultimate relationship. The initial responsibility of the worship pastor is to guide the congregation into this experience on Sundays and any other time we gather. We are seeking the person who has the heart of a pastor (shepherd) ve....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-25-2023    Full Time

Thomson First Methodist Church (a regional congregation of the Global Methodist Church located in Thomson, GA 20 miles west of Augusta, GA) is seeking a full-time pastor/director of student ministries. The successful candidate would preferably have a college degree in a related field and some years of experience. Commitment to historic, orthodox Christi....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-02-2024    Full Time

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