First Presbyterian Church Florence, SC - Job Openings

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Christ's Hope Ministries & church2818 Carroll Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46818Church size: 120 average attendanceContact: CJ Powell, Lead Minister | cj@christshope.churchPosition Title:Youth MinisterSalary:Competitive negotiable annual salaryHealth Savings Account and Retirement contributionsHealth Insurance packageLife Insurance PackagePosition Descripti....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


12-21-2022    Full Time

Special instructions for Senior Pastor applicants: in addition to reviewing the job description below kindly visit our current opening page and follow the instructions for submitting a resume, responding to our Candidate Questionnaire and providing links to sermon videos. You will also find helpful information abou....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

09-22-2023    Full Time

Florence First Presbyterian is looking for a few paid musicians and/or vocalists to aid in the worship services at the contemporary service from 9-10am. We have an amazing core and leadership in place but we need singers and a couple other musicians who could help out week to week. We practice on Wednesday nights and arrive an 1hr 15mins early on Sunday....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

10-22-2022    Part Time

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