Open Door Church - Job Openings

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Are you ready to join an amazing team striving to innovate and create new ways of reaching the lost and building the believer?The Tab is located in the fast growing and thriving communities of Sarasota and Bradenton, FL. Living next to the beach is always a nice perk in addition to very competitive pay!We are in search of an individual that will adhere....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


11-03-2022    Full Time

Primera Iglesia Bautista (PIB) de Las Cruces is in search of a pastor DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide Bible-based instruction and discipleship Be involved in pastoral care ministries for the congregation of PIB To provide supervision to PIB's ministries and provide support to its leaders To ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

01-30-2024    Full Time

The Open Door, PC (USA), Pittsburgh is seeking a Part-Time Director of Children and Youth Ministries. We are looking for an enthusiastic, humble individual to help children from preschool-age through high school learn to walk in the way of Jesus. We are a congregation of approximately 70 members attending worship on Sunday morning and approximately 5-10....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

05-14-2024    Part Time

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