Georgetown Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Background The United Protestant Church of Grayslake, membership approximately 300, is a conservative federated church having affiliation with both the UCC and the UMC. We are seeking a UCC, UMC or non-denominational pastor to help our congregation transition to our next chapter and provide leadership in engaging and revitalizing our members. We are l....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


05-20-2022    Full Time

This is a part time in-office position that works in conjunction with the Pastors and Elder Board of Jackson Baptist Church. This position will require 20 to 30 hours per week and reports to the Senior Pastor. The Administrative Assistant provides administrative and operational support for the leadership of Jackson Baptist Church. This includes providin....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-08-2024    Part Time

Develop and implement programs for young children, middle and high school youth.Develop and implement community and congregational mission work/outreach with middle school and high school youth.Foster relationships with Youth and Children through activities outside the church.Provide counseling for Youth and/or families when neededForm and organize a Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

08-01-2023    Full Time

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