Andrews First Baptist Church - Job Openings

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A dynamic and growing church in the greater Lexington area is looking for an ASSOCIATE PASTOR FOR MUSIC AND WORSHIP. The principal function of this position is to work alongside the Pastor and to provide overall leadership and direction in all areas of music ministry. Additionally, this person will assist the Pastor in management and administrative/pas....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

10-04-2022    Full Time

Job Description:Faith Baptist Church in Kenmare, North Dakota strives to be a Bible preaching Baptist church. Our members believe in being born again and believe strongly in working hard to reach those that need to know our Lord and Savior.Faith Baptist Church was established in 1970 and currently has a weekly attendance averaging 40-60 people. Faith Ba....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

07-30-2023    Full Time

Andrews First Baptist Church in Andrews, North Carolina is seeking a full-time Youth and Children Pastor. We are seeking someone with a strong faith in and love for Christ, as well as a desire to disciple our students toward spiritual growth and maturity. He will need to be enthusiastic, organized, and able to communicate well with staff, students, pa....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

11-20-2023    Full Time

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