Grace Evangelical Christian Church - Job Openings

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Community Church at Holliston (CCH) is a small, multi-ethnic church located in the heart of Pasadena, CA. CCH is grounded in principles found in the Methodist Church, and is in partnership with a Korean-speaking congregation. Our mission statement is, "Belonging to God. Belonging to one another." Our mission is to grow a ministry of discipleship tha....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


05-19-2023    Full Time

The Pastor of Worship Arts is a full-time salaried position at Sunnyslope Christian Center tasked with planning, preparing for, and leading a multiple weekly contemporary worship services that, promotes authentic worship, and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ.Purpose:The Pastor of Worship Arts is responsible for the worship ministry at Sunnyslope ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

06-29-2021    Full Time

We are looking for a man to live with his family in our community to be able to interact with the local population and events. We support missions and desire to reach our local community with the gospel. Therefore, he must have a similar goal. He must lead in preaching, teaching, and counseling as required. We are a theologically conservative, Bible bel....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-24-2024    Part Time

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