Thomson First Methodist Church - Job Openings

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Duties and Skills: Schedule volunteer musicians and audio-visual operators to provide leadership and support for congregational singing Schedule and prepare singers, instrumentalists, and audio-visual operators for a regular schedule of special music Plan weekly worship services in blended, contemporary, or traditional styles, consistent with the reform....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Presbyterian - PCA

01-06-2023    Part Time

Northminster Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana is seeking a friendly, organized, detail-oriented applicant for the newly created position of Administrative Assistant. Northminster is a well-established and vibrant church located in the Broad Ripple area of Indianapolis. The person that serves in this position will conduct daily business activ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:
Not Specified

10-29-2021    Part Time

Thomson First Methodist Church (a regional congregation of the Global Methodist Church located in Thomson, GA 20 miles west of Augusta, GA) is seeking a full-time pastor/director of student ministries. The successful candidate would preferably have a college degree in a related field and some years of experience. Commitment to historic, orthodox Christi....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-02-2024    Full Time

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