Main Street Vineyard Church - Job Openings

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Position Description:Packsaddle Fellowship seeks a humble and transparent believer to serve as our Associate Pastor – Small Groups/Discipleship, a new position within our church. The ideal candidate will have the spiritual gifts of teaching, administration, encouragement and be passionately committed to clearly proclaiming the gospel of grace and helpin....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-16-2023    Full Time

Wildwood Presbyterian Church (PC-USA) seeks an Associate Pastor of Worship & Youth who is passionate about leading creative worship experiences that draw people into the presence of Christ and energized by building relationships with youth. The Associate Pastor of Worship & Youth will focus on two key aspects of ministry at WPC: helping to launch and le....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

10-12-2021    Full Time

Description of the Current situation: Current Senior Pastors are transitioning out of the Lead positions and in cooperation with the Area Vineyard Overseer are searching for a new Senior Pastor.There has been no moral or financial or other major issues in the church.Attendance is approximately 50 people. Prior to Covid, 100 plus.The church can guarante....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


05-31-2023    Full Time

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